Preaching at Aquib is another very encouraging experience for us all. We were very surpri
sed at how the people here are accepting the gospel of our Lor

Jesus because this place is known as a Catholic territory and

this is the place where Our Lady of Piat is found (Catholics say that it is miraculous) but we can

clearly see in this experience that we had that the people

of God is found everywhere and God's
words are rea

lly very sharp (Hebrews 4:12). Brother Rody Gumpad taught again very nice lessons about "God Has Spoken" and "The Members of the Original

Church of Christ". The lessons were explained very clear and the words of our Lord Jesu

s again showed its power for while I was leading the invitation song four (4) souls

stepped forward, confessed Christ, and expressed their desire to be baptized into Christ. However, one of the four h

as decided not to be immersed yet because he is presently suffering from German Measles but another young boy approached their preacher (b

rother Dennis Yuson) and said that he wanted to be baptized i

nto Christ also and receive the salvation of his soul.