Thank you very much brother Craig Meyer, my beloved Manong (elder brother) in Christ" for these wonder
ful books that you gave us. Distribution of the books was very successful and the recipients are as follows: 1) for
the "Original Commentary on Acts" those who
received were Manny Pader, Jerry Soliva, Jerome Forelo, Jay Gumpad, Mark Daquioag, and Jun Gumpad; 2) for the book "God Hath Spoken" recipients were Alex Lagat, Lino Darauay, Robert Rances, Weny Arca, Jun Antonio,
Florendo Respicio, Joeben Jacobo, Dennis Yuson, David malupeng, and Jimmy D
uque. Again, in behalf of the preachers who received books we give our sincerest thanks to you brother Craig Meyer.