We accompanied brothe

r Jim McDonald, Zach Olson, Matthew Perez, Brady Cook, and Dustin Oien here in Gedde

m church (brother Johnson Ramil and brother Alfredo Cammagay - preachers) in Geddem, Abulug. Brother Jim taught a wonderful lesson from "I Corinthians 16:13-14" which was interpreted by brother Rody Gumpad. It was a very encouraging lesson which persuaded us to continue more in strengthening our faith. After this we took them to the boundary of Cagayan and Ilocos where we met brethren Shane Millard and Zach Fisk; we left brethren Jim, Zach Olson, Brady, and Matthew with the brethren from Ilocos and we traveled back home with brethren Shane, Zach Fisk, and Dustin. Brethren Jim, Zach, Matthew, and Brady will continue preaching in the Ilocos region while brethren Shane, Zach, and Dustin help us in preaching at Cagayan.