The brethren at Cap

adeco, Gonzaga sent us another invitation to be with them and

to study the bible with them. Inspired by the words of

Christ in Mark 16:15, "
And he said unto
them, Go ye into all 
the world, and preach the gospel to every creature", we decided to go an

d study with t

hem. Brethren who cooperated for the advan

cement of the gospel

of Christ in this trip are Rody Gumpad, Tessie Gumpad, Rossie Respicio, Florendo Respicio, Jerome Forelo, Jun Gumpad, Mark Daquioag, Robert Respi

cio, Dennis Yuson, Emer Yuson, Gerald Ganela, Jerry Soliva, Manny Pader, Macky Miguel, David Malupeng, Junfour Ganela, Joeben Jacobo, Fidelfin M

iranda Jr, and Mario Ramiscal. We left home at around 7:00 in the morning and arrived at the place 10:30 in the morning. Brother Alex Lagat, thei preacher, and the brethren met us with warm and sweet smiles in their faces and excitement in their eyes. The fellow preachers, though not given time to teach because of limited time, did their very best to encourage the brethren by approaching them; we also took turns in leading songs. Brother Rody taught very nice lessons which gave a very good insight of the bible and the significance of salvation in our lives. After the lesson we again extended the invitation and the Lord's words showed its power again for 17 souls stepped forward, confessed Christ and desired to be baptized into Christ (the youngest among the 17 is 12 years old and the oldest is 75 years old). Glory to God for this wonderful harvest of souls.