Fellow preachers met at the home of brother Rody this afternoon to go to Baliuag North Church of Christ at Baliuag, Penablanca to have a bible study with the

brethren and friends. At exactly 1:00 noon your hu

mble servant together with other preachers started our trafel; w

e rode at the vehicle of brother Rody. With us inside the vehicle are brethren Ro

dy Gumpad, Tessie Gumpad, Jerome Forelo, Mark Daquio

ag, Jun Gumpad, Robert Pad

er, Junefour Ganela,

Manny Pader, and Robert Rances. Other brethren that ca

me with us are Jerry Soliva, Dennis Yuson, Emer Yuson, Cornelio Abig, Florendo Respicio, Rossie Respicio, Efren Respicio, and Edgar Licodini. at around 1:45 in the afternoon we arrived at the place and we were met by their preacher Alfonso Danao. Brother Rody Gumpad taught to us a lesson about "Stand For (the right God, right Doctrine, right Church, and right Hope)". The lesson was very well explained and easily understood by the visitors because while the invitation song was being sung 10 souls went forward, confessed Christ as the Son of God and our Savior, and they expressed their desire to be baptized. After I lead the closing prayer we immediately took them to the river and they were baptized into Christ.