Your humble servant and fellow preachers met at the home of brother Rody Gumpad to travel together to Maddela, Quirino and attend the gospel meetin

g of our brethren. I ro

de with brother Rody's car and we took turns in driving. We left Tugu

egarao 7:00 in the morning and arrived at Maddela 10:30 in the morning. We were welcomed

by warm smiles and handshakes from our brethren and fri

ends in the area. The meeting was a very encouraging one w

ith brother Willie Pastor preaching first about "Know the Truth (John 8:31-32)" followed by brotherRosendo Gumpad about "The Great Calling (2

Thessalonians 2:14)". After pausing for a short lunch the meeting was resumed and I

preached about "Thy Will Be Done (Matthew 6:10)" and our last sp

eaker was brother Rody Gumpad with the lesson "Why Many Could Not Reach Heaven?". The brethren and friends were very attentive and they tried to

digest evry bit of infor

mations given to them; the result was 10 souls that came forward and confessed Christ. 9 of the 10 souls we took to the river to be baptized and the other 1 restored into Christ. After the baptism another man approached us and said that he wanted to repent of his sins and desired to be restored into Christ; therefore we have a total of 2 restorations and 9 baptisms for this day. All glory and praise we give to the Lord. Fellow preachers that participated in this preaching engagement are Rody Gumpad, Jun Gumpad, Mark Daquioag, Jonathan Tango, Geronimo Ganela, Dennis Yuson, Emer Yuson, Jerry Soliva, Manny Pader, Robert Pader, David Malupeng, Cornelio Abig, Macky Miguel, Rogelio; sisters Tessie Gumpad and Edna Reyes went with us as well.