Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Gospel Meeting at Salacot, San Miguel, Bulacan
, San Miguel, Bulacan is around 400 kilometers away from Tugueg
arao and about 8 hours drive depending on the traffic but brethren Rody Gumpad, Tessie Gumpad, Jun Gumpad, Jay Gu

mpad, Mark Daquioag, and your humble servant gladly traveled with excitement to meet with the brethren and to share good n
ews with them with the hope that each one of us will find encouragement and
strength with each other. We were blessed by our God with wonderful experiences along the way; we experienced eating our lunch along the highway with vehicles passing by every now and then. We traveled with high expectations of meeting our brethren at Salacot for the very first time; I am personally thrilled by the thought of hearing different preachers from different congregation preach and I hoped so much to learn from them. My prayers were answered for I heard wonderful lessons from faithful preachers. First to speak was brother Jimmy Bobis with the topic "Family Life". Brother Jimmy taught of how important is it for us to have a Godly family, a family that knows how to fear the Lord and to live with the commands of the Lord. He delivered a very good lesson and imparted us many things to think about for our family to continue to grow and live godly. Then brother Dennis Yuson preached to us about "Christian Homes". Here he discussed about the importance of having a home where each family members understand 

their roles according to what the bible states. After the lesson we paused for a short lunch. Broth
er Rody Gumpad also taught us very nice lessons about "Church"; he presented two charts explaining about the church. The two charts that he discussed were "God Has Spoken", here he discussed about the three dispensation of time and emphasized more on the time when the church was established; the other chart was "The Members of the Original Church of Christ", where he discussed about the true church of Christ and the identity of every Christian that compose the true Church. The fourth speaker was brother Jun Bautista who preached about "Salvation", he discussed the five steps of salvation and the rewards that we will be able to get if we be baptized into Christ and if we remain faithful unto death. After the lessons an invitation song was sung and a young lady stepped forward, confessed Christ, and expressed her desire to have her sins removed through baptism.