Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Gospel Meeting at Guiddam, Abulug, Cagayan
May 28: After the gospel meeting at Quirino, Luna, A
yao and after having our short lunch we immediately drove to Guiddam, Abulug, Cagayan for another gospel meeting. Alo
ng the way we were met by a strong rain and we were worried that it will hinder the brethren form attending the said meeting but we saw our brethren at the place waiting for us though most of them got wet because of the rain. Rain continues to pur but it did not prevent the gospel of our Lord to be proclaimed. We immediately started singing songs for our God, we took turns in leading songs. After the singing I was requested by our brethren to lead them in prayer. Brother Rody Gumpad then stood infront and preached to us the lesson "God Has Spoken". Brother Rody discussed about the three dispensation of time and emphasized that we are living under the Christian age and that we have the gospel of Christ as our law. Brother Jun Gumpad led the invitation song wherein one (1) soul came forward and confessed Christ, she is later on baptized into Christ. Brother Johnson Ramil is the hardworking preacher at this congregation.