May 28: Early morning at around 7:00 brethren Tessie Gumpad, Eli Bocarile, Jun Gumpad, Ronald Valdez, Virgilio B

ocarile, Mark Daquioag, Rody Gumpad, J

ay Gumpad, Reneboy Maranion, and Jerome Forelo started th

eir way towards Quir

ino, Luna, Apayao for the gospel meeting sceduled by our brethre

n there. Everyone was very happy and excited to be with our brethren, I am very much excite

d as this will be my first time to ever meet our brethre

n at the said place. Excited as I am I volunteered to drive and found my

self enjoying the three hour drive . As we arrived I felt happiness upon setting eyes to our brethren, they were patiently waitin

g for us in their humble church building. The brethren meet us w

ith warm greetings and smiles foun

d all over their faces. We do not want to waste precious time in studying the gospel so after talking with our brethren for a short while brother Sherwin Miranda (their preacher) stood up infron and announced that we have to start the meeting. Song of praise were led by fellow preachers. Brother Jun Gumpad was the first speaker with his lesson about "Dagiti Banbanag A Pakatnagan Ti Tao Manipud Ken Cristo (The Things That Makes a Man Fall From God)", he made a very good job explaining that if we keep in our lives the said things and fall from the loving arms of God we will be disqualified from entering heaven. By special request, I stood up and discussed "Why Do We Need God?". Our goal is to have the brethren, most especially the visitors and friends, understand why we gather together and worship God and why we are serving God. Happily, I discussed with them that God is our Creator, God is our Provider, and God is our Redeemer; three things that lands us to a conclusion that we need God. Brother Rody Gumpad then presented to us a lesson about "The Destiny of Man", here he discussed Man, Sinner, Church, Apostasy, Hell and Heaven. In summary he emphasized that in order for us to enter heaven we must be added to the church and be faithful unto death; otherwise if we remain sinning or happen to apostasize we shall end up in hell. After the preaching brother Mark Daquioag led the invitation song and four (4) souls came forward and confessed Christ and expressed their desire to be baptized into Christ.