Preachers in the group pi

ctures are: (from

left to right) Macky Miguel, Emer Yuson, Rody Gumpad, Dennis Yuson, Edgar Corpuz, Mark Daquioag, Jay Gumpad, Jer

ome Forelo, and Jun Gumpad; the picture was take

n before the group went to Alicia, Isabela to be with our brethren

and friends and to study the words of God. The preacher there is brother Wilson Pascua.

As you can see in the pictures, we happily gathered tog

ether under trees to proclaim the gospel; the visitors, friends, and brethren are very attentive to the lessons presented even if squadrons of mosquitoes get a little bite from each of us. Brother Rody Gumpad preached another good lessons about "Searching the Scriptures" and "The Second Coming of Christ"; two very good lessons which resulted to 6 souls that confessed Christ. After the bible study we took them to a nearby river and they are all baptized into Christ. Also with us in this preaching trip are sister Tessie Gumpad, Maribel Yuson, Jerry Soliva, Robert Pader, Manny Pader, Jeffrey Macarubbo, Edgar Licodini, and Ron Cabante.