The bible lectureship continues in Tuguegarao and again brethren David Halbrook taught us a lesson about

"Every Member Putting On the New Man

". He used Ephesians 4:17-32 and discussed to us the diff

erence of the old man and the new man; how the old man must be put away

and continually live in the newness of life. Brother Ron Halbrrok taught us also a lesson about "Putting the Past in the Past (Philippians 3:13-14)". He reminded us that God will fulfill His purpose in our lives if we'll just keep our trust in God. Also we learned that we must leave the past and the future in God's hands. We also learned that putting the past in the past applies to: 1) life's prosperity and adversity, 2) family relationships, 3) seeking and offering forgiveness of sins. After the morning lecture we paused for a short lunch and brother Rody Gumpad and Rosendo Gumpad took brother David to the airport for his flight back to Manila for he is to fly back home on the following day. Meantime, we continue with the lectureship with brother Jonathan Carino whp preached to us about "Do You Have the Right to Your Own Belief?" In this lesson we learned that we must respect God's authority becuase there are some things that are legally right or morally right but religiously wrong. Brother Ron then taught us again about "Standing on Path, Pressing Forward (Philippians 3:12-16)" It is explained to us how we should press forward in three areas: 1) as an individual Christian, 2) as a local church, 3) as a family. We are to get on the right path and to stay on that right path.