We give thanks to God again fo

r opening an opportunity to study the bible with Misis Celia

Lim and her friends at their humble home. Brethren Ron Halbrook, Rody Gumpad, Jonathan Carino, Jimmy Battung, Atoy Franco, Mark Daqiouag, Jay Gumpad, Jun Gumpad, and your humble servant happily went at the home of Misis Lim and there we had a very good study with them. Brother Ron taught a very good lesson; he presented the bible, God's promise to Abraham, God's plan of salvation, and necessity of obeying God's commands. They paid very close attention to the study and in their eyes you can read their interest in understanding more the truth; as proof of their understanding, they asked many questions which we tried our very best to answer with the use of the bible. We would love to stay more and study more with them but time is not on our side because brethren Ron, Jimmy, Jonathan, and Atoy must arrive at the airport before their flight leaves. Our friends were very thankful and they look forward to have another study with them and have their questions answered by the words of God.