Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
February 12: Bible Lectures
Brother David Halbrook preached first with the lesson entitled "What God Expects of Marriage"; he discussed about how a husband must treat his wife and how a wife must treat her husband. After brother David, brother Ron started his lesson about the book of Song of Solomon that he entitled "The Song of Solomon: A Celebration of Love", this was a very interesting study and discussion about the book which taught us more about how an individual must appreciate and love his wife and how a wife, in return, loves and appreciate her husband. After the lesson we extended the invitation song and 3 souls stepped forward, confessed Christ and expressed their desire to be baptized for the remission of their sins. In the afternoon, the bible study was started by a lesson from brother David about "Continue in the Things Which You Have Learned"; here he encouraged us to continue in our faith and to remain strong. Before brother Ron continues with his lesson about the book of Song of Solomon we extended another song of invitation and 1 soul stepped forward and confessed Christ. After dinner we continued the study and brother David preached again about "Mark 16:16 Teaches". The whole day was a very fruitful day and many information was given that will help more each gospel preacher present. We continually give praise and thanks to God for openning wonderful opportunities, such as this, to continually study the pure gospel of Christ.