We (standing from left to right: Jun Miranda, Daniel Pasaraba, Robin Pulveras, Sherwin

Miranda, Mark Daquioag, Joeben Jacobo, Jerome Forelo, Ryan Thomas, Jun Gumpad, Jay Gumpad;

sitting from left to right: Celso Jacobo, Alfredo Cammagay, Johnson Ramil, Dennis Yuson, Rody Gumpad, Edgar Lico

dini, Gerald Ganela, and

July Agu

inaldo) thank God for the opportunity He gave us all to be able to visit our friends at Tangbay, Tabuk, Kalinga

and to preach the gospel to the

m. The road was not very good as it is very rough. We give credit to the people at the place for they did everything they can so that we can go to their place; before, going to the place was very hard for we have to walk 2 hours to reach our friends but they did some remedy and made the road passable for vehicles. The trip was very rough and the place was indeed very far but as soon as we saw the beautiful and very warm smiles from our friends we told ourselves that our trip is a blessing from God. Their is no church yet in this area that is why we were very excited to preach for our friends. We had the preaching at the home of brother John Lappao (he and his wife are the only Christians in the community), they have to walk two hours every Lord's Day to attend worship at Gobgob Church of Christ where brother Ben Vistro preaches that is why they decided to invite us and preach the gospel to their neighbors with the hope that their hearts will be moved and obey the gospel eventually for the salvation of their souls. Brother Ryan Thomas preached a nice lesson about "Some Things Regarding the Holy Spirit" that brother Jun Gumpad translated in Ilokano afterwards. Brother Dennis Yuson also received questions which we tried to answer. After a short lunch brother Rody Gumpad also taught us "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (2 Tim. 2:15)" and "Entering the Church". The encouraging fuit of the gospel preaching was four (4) precious souls who stepped forward and confessed Christ.