We (brethren Rody Gumpad, Tessie Gumpad, Ryan Thomas, Jay Gumpad, Jun Gumpad, Mark Daquioag, Dennis Yuson, Sherwin Miranda, Reneboy Maranion, Celso Jacobo and his wife, Joeben Jacobo, Daniel Pasaraba and his wife, and yours truly) left Tuguegarao City last March 10, 2010 at around 1:30 afternoon to attend the gospel meeting of our brethren at Pacifico Church of Christ at Marcos, Ilocos Norte where brother Jun and Warner Macusi preaches. We arrived at the home of brother Jun Macusi at Dingras, Ilocos Norte at about 8:30 in the evening and the whole family is waiting for us and they received us very warmly in their home. The whole family was also very kind to offer their home for us to stay at while we were at the region.

The following day, March 11, we woke up very early, shared more good news with our hosts and prepared for the gospel meeting at Pacifico Church of Christ. We arrived at the place at exactly 9 in the morning and we found the brethren eagerly and very excited in waiting for us. We had short conversation with them and then we pushed through with the scheduled gospel meeting. Our fellow gospel preachers took turns in leading songs for the brethren. The first speaker in the morning was brother Ryan Thomas with his lesson about "Five Greatest Facts of Life". After that I was requested by the brethren to translate the lesson in Ilokano. The second speaker was brother Rody Gumpad and he taught a very nice lesson on "The Members of the Original Church of Christ".

After lunch we continued with the gospel meeting at Pacifico Church


f Christ and brother Ryan Thomas preached first again with a very informative lesson about "Teach My People The Difference (Ezekiel 44:23)" and after that I tried my very best agai

n to translate the lesson in our Ilokano dialect. Brother Rody preached next with a lesson about "The Destiny of

Man". Aft

er the lesson, an invitation song was extended and seven (7) precious souls stepped forward, confessed Christ, and expressed their desire to be baptized for the remission of their sins.