Brethren Jimmy Duque, Ryan Thomas, Rody Gumpad, Me, Dennis Yuson, and Jay

Gumpad rode at the car of brother Rody Gumpad; left early at Tuguegara

o City and traveled towards the mountains of Tabuk to attend at the gospel meeting of our brethren at B

urayocan, Tabuk, Kalinga. The preachers here are brother Ben Vistro and Kernel Vistro. As we arrived at the place, after a long trip along rough roads, we are welcomed by warm smiles from our brethren and friends. First speaker was brother Dennis Yuson with a lesson about "The Children of God". Second speaker was brother Robert Pader who taught us "What The Bible Teaches". Brother Ryan Thomas spoke third with a lesson about "Nothing" that I translated in our Ilokano dialect for the benefit of the brethren and friends who cannot understand english. Brother Rody Gumpad preached last about "Dangers the Church Faces". As we sang the invitation song, nine (9) precious souls stepped forward, confessed Christ, and expressed their desire to be baptized for the remission of their sins. After the gospel meeting the nine precious souls were baptized in a nearby river.