Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Gospel Meeting at Barucboc Church of Christ
The brethren at Barucboc church of Christ at Barucboc, Quezon, Isabela invited us to participate in their gospel meeting and to help in the encouragement of the brethren. The Barucboc church once have an average attendance of 3
0 every Lord's day but unfortunately some preachers not bearing the pure
gospel of Christ came, preached another gospel and tried to divide the brethren; most of the brethren were devastated and started to fall away, others followed the wrong path but those who understand the truth stayed strong and
desired to continue in serv
ing our True God. So they requested brother Bert Callang to preach for them and help them in restoring our other brethren back into the church of our Lord Jesus Ch
rist. We met 8 brethren in this gospel meeting, 8 brethren who we
re very happy and encouraged with the lessons presented by brother Gerald Ganela and Rody Gumpad. Brother Gerald Ganela preached about "The Heart of a Preacher (Philippians 1)" while brother Rody Gumpad preached about "Why Many Could Not Reach Heaven?". I was also able to lead the closing prayer. We saw hope and renewed strength at the eyes of our brethren as we leave the place; sweet and pleasant smiles were found glued in their faces for they have proven again that God is always with them and that God never will forsake them (Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5).