We had a very nice bi

ble study tonight with the participants in the Preacher's tr

aining. After singing some songs that were led by brother Rody Gumpad, I had the chance to lead the opening prayer. After the opening prayer, brother Rody taught us t

hree lessons: 1) God Hath Spoken, 2) The Members of the True Church of Christ, and 3) Searching the Scriptures. At the first lesson he taught us about t

he three dispensations in the bible, on the second lesson he taught us about the church of Christ and its members and in the third lesson he taught us about the need to search the scriptures and the necessity of baptism. We enjoyed the lessons very much and the brethren understood them very much, as proof of their understanding they asked some questions and we tried to answer with the help of the bible. While we are singing Rodelion Galdeun suddenly stepped forward with the desire to be baptized into Christ, after singing we heard his confession. Brother Reneboy Maranion (preacher at Maddela, Quirino) was the one who immersed Rodelion. We believe that God is very much pleased with our new brother for obeying the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.