Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Bible Study With Mister and Misis Alonzo Mangawil and Brethren
After the fruitful gospel meeting at Barucboc Church of Christ we immediately went straight to the home of mister Alonzo Mangawil and misis Victoria Mangawil. We have to walk a little but everyone was very happy and excited to see our friends and brethren. The family Mangawil are members of a Pentecostal group and they asked us to study with them for they are searching for the truth. Brother Rody Gumpad taught two short lessons, he taught first "God Has Spoken" and then "The Original Members of the Church of Christ". We believe that the truth had touched the hearts of our friends for they sincerely asked some questions and wanted to know more answers. They invited us to come again and to study more with them.