We left Tuguegarao City 6:30 in the morning towards Capadeco, Gonzaga, Cagayan to attend at the gospel meeting of our brethren there. We arrived at the place at around 10:30 in the morning. We were very happy and encouraged when we saw our brethren again, we saw thos

e familiar warm smiles from their faces and their eagerness to listen more to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. We took turns in leading songs for our brethren and brother Rody taught a lesson about "Dagiti K

inapudno Nga Inyeg Ni Cristo (The Truths That Christ Brought)". Brother Rody discussed about the T

ruth Concerning God, Truth Concerning The Way, Truth Concerning Life in the morning study; after the lesson we extended the invitation song and ten (10) souls stepped forward and confessed Christ. In the afternoon brother Rody continued in teaching about

Truth About The Doctrine, Truth About The Church, and Truth About Hope. Another invitation song was led by brother Mark Daquioag and another three (3) souls stepped forward, confessed Christ, and expressed their desire to

have their sins forgiven. All in all thirteen (13) so

uls are added into the Lord's church this wonderful day.