Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
December 4: Gospel meetings at Capadeco, Gonzaga, Cagayan and Toran, Aparri, Cagayan
At exactly 7:00 in the morning the servants of our Lord started to travel along the highways of Cagayan to meet our brethren and friends at Capadeco, Gonzaga, Cagayan. With the incomparable guidance of God we were able to arrive at the foot of the Sierra Madre Mountains where the brethren and friends were located. They met us with warm smiles and shook our hands with firm grips expressing their excitements in listening to God's words. We all opened our bibles while brother Rody Gumpad teaches in front with the topic "Searching the Scriptures". After preaching the invitation song was extended and thirty (30), yes you are reading it right brethren, 30 souls came forward and they confessed Christ and desired to be baptized for the salvation of their souls. After the meeting, we went to the river and baptized them, unfortunately two (2) of them were not able to push through with their baptism because they are still on the process of recovering from sickness. After we baptized the 28 souls we immediately traveled towards Toran, Aparri, Cagayan to meet with our brethren there and have bible study with them. The planting of God's word here is also a success for three (3) souls came forward during the invitation; they confessed Christ and expressed their desire to be saved.