It was another fruitful day for our Lord again. I got the chance to go to the gospel meeting at Bagbag church of Christ with some other brethren. The Bagbag church of Christ is located at Bagbag, Rizal, Kalinga and their preacher is brother Luis Nalog. They invited 5 speakers to pre

ach for them and they were: FIRST SPEAKER: brother Gerald Ganela who preached "One True Church", SECOND SPEAKER: brother Ricky Ramirez with the lesson "Necessities for Church Grow

th", THIRD SPEAKER: brother Rody Gumpad who pr

eached about "1 Peter 4:1-19", FOURTH SPEAKER: brother Rolando Agpoon with "The Importance of Baptism", and FIFTH SPEAKER: brother Denis Yuson with the topic "The Children of God". The first thre

e speakers taught in the morning and after the third speaker we sang an invitation song and seven (7) souls came forward and confessed Christ. We paused for a short lunch and after that we immediately resumed the meeting. I was a

sked to lead the opening prayer and after that the fou

rth and fifth speakers taught us another wonderful lessons. After the last speaker we again extended the invitation and three (3) souls came forward, confessed Christ and expressed their desire to be baptized into

Christ. All in all ten (10) souls were baptized and the Lord added them to His church.