Brethren from Punta Gorda Church of Christ in Florida through brother Craig Meyer entruste

d your humble servant the amount of 15,776.25 pesos

to purchase bibles for the saints here in Cagayan Valley, Philippines. Your hu

mble servant collected the amount of 15,752.59 because the
Western union outlet deducted the “documentary stamp tax” amounting to 23.66 pesos.
Each bible costs 365 pesos but the bookstore gave 5% discount so each bible now costs 346.75 pesos.
I was able to buy 45 pieces of bibles which amounted to 15,603.75 pesos. The remaining 148.84 pesos was alotted for the fare. These bibles were given by kind brethren for the purpose of giving our brethren here to own their own bibles which they cannot do by themselves because of poverty. We pray God that He gave us enough knowledge and wisdom in distributing these bibles. To our other brethren who might come across this article, who might be able to help also our brethren to own their own bibles, we appreciate very much the help and love that you can extend to these brethren of ours.