Distance has never been a factor for the word of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is Him who commanded us to preach the gospel to all creature (Mark 16:15-16). Our beloved brethren invited us to be with them in their gospel meeting last November 1 and we were very happy to cater to their invitation for it is another golden opportunity to proclaim the gospel to many. The travel to Santa Felicitas is not that easy for we have to travel by car for about 1 and a half hour and after that we have to walk 1 kilometer of dusty road in order to arrive at a river to cross it with a small b
oat and again walk another 1 to 1 and a half kilometers to arrive at the place to meet our beloved brethren. The ride in the small boat was a very exciting and thrilling ride, I never really had the chance of studying how to swim, so if ever the boat decides to turn upside down maybe it will be my opportunity to learn how to swim (^_^). Brother Florendo Respicio preached first w
ith his lesson about "Salvation" then your humble servant followed him with the lesson "Why Must We Obey the Gospel of Christ Today?", brother Geronimo Ganela spoke about "Know God Better" and then brother Rody Gumpad preached
about "It is a Fearful Thing to Fall Into the Hands of the Living God". The meeting proved to be very encouraging and fruitful to all who attended wherein two souls decided to
obey the gospel of Christ and were baptized into Christ this same day. We all parted ways thanking God for the golden opportunity, we have planted His words in the hearts of our brethren and visitors and for this reason we believed that God smiled at us for obeying His comman
ds. The road to salvation is not at all easy, it has it shares of ups and downs, but if believe Him who promised us and does the will of our Father in heaven we know we will be able to enter heaven; let us then hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering (Matthew 7:21; Hebrew 10:23). The writer of Ecclesiastes did wrote:


Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)