The road may be rough and dangerous and bridge may be wiped out by previous flood that came yet still the brethren and other fellow brethren were very happy and excited to be together with our brethren at Illuru, Rizal once again. So we traveled the rough roads of Rizal, have our vehicle ride a small boat to pass over a river, with high hopes that we will
be able to see and meet our brethren once more and share the gospel to visitors and friends. We arrived and were welcomed by warm smiles, hand shakes, and hugs from brethren. We are to study God's words under a "Sineguelas Tree" but the location is not that important for what matters most are the words of our Lord. Brother Gerald Ganela preached about "Humbling Ourselves Before God" and brother Rody Gumpad about "To Whom the Gospel is Preached". Both delivered wonderful lessons which encouraged a
nd strengthened every listener. We left the brethren with wide smiles in their faces, they enjoyed very much the visit we had and were very thankf
ul to God that He opened such opportunity. We all continue to pray that the Lord forever lights the way and leads us all in that road wherein we could all attain our salvation.