Today we are very thankful to God that He gave us the golden opportunity once again to serve Him in His vineyard. We were gathered with our brethren at San Luis church of Christ (brother David Malupeng faithfully serves here as their preacher) which is found at San Luis, Tuao, Cagayan for their gospel meeting. We left home at exactly 12:00 noon and after travelin

g a rough terrain we arrived at the venue at around 1:30 in the afternoon; there we met our brethren who gathered under a big tree (as shown in the picture) happily and excitedly waiting for us to join them in their gospel meeting. We have three speakers who taught the true gospel of Christ. Brother Rolando Agpoon preached a lesson entitled "It is Enough" which he took from 1 Peter 4:2-3; brother Geronimo Ganela then taught about "Salvation", and brother Rody Gumpad taught us about "The Church (Matthew 16:18/ Romans 16:16)

". These three faithful brethren taught very good lessons which were understood very much by the listeners and later on resulted to 4 souls who went forward during the invitation song to confess Christ and are then baptized into Christ. After the confession of these new brethren I felt very blessed and very inspired to lead the closing prayer knowing that God is once again smiling at us because we had again followed His commandments and preached the word to the brethren and friends here at San Luis. We give praise to God once again and continually call on His name for thanksgiving on His unending blessings that He showers us all. God has given us a great salvation therefore let us be obedient to the gospel of Christ and neglect not that great salvation to be able to free ourselves from eternal destruction (Hebrews 2:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9).