August 1: Together with brethren Rody Gumpad, Tessie Gumpad, Jay Gumpad, Jun Gumpad, and Mark 

Daquioag we all went to Liwan Church of Christ to att
end the
gospel meeting. Satan was doing the best he can to hinder the preaching of the gospel because the rain was really pouring very hard due to typhoon "Jolina" but we do not want Satan to win so we decided to drive and go to meet our brethren. When we arrived at the place we felt happiness and joy because we saw that even if the place was very muddy still many brethren decided to go and study the gospel with us. Brother Greg Delos Reyes preached first about "As An Honest Christian", brother Florendo Respicio taught "Salvation", and brother Rody Gumpad preached about "The Original Church of Christ and the modern Churches" and "How to Build Up the Church". Though no one was baptized this day still we thank God that we were able to encourage the brethren to continue holding on to their faith and to put their complete trust to God.