Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Preaching at Cordova, Amulung, Cagayan
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Preaching at Aquib, Piat, Cagayan
August 15: The last part of our trip is at Aquib, Piat, Cagayan where brother Dennis Yuson preaches. Brother Craig Meyer preached a very informative lesson about
“The Levitical Priesthood: A Shadow of God’s People Today” which I tried to translate in Ta
galog. After that brother Rody Gumpad also preached about “You Cannot Hide Sin”.
Preaching at Bangag, Solana, Cagayan
August 15: We sincerely thank brother Ben Vistro and his family for welcoming us in thei
r humble home to rest our bodies for the night, God bless you all dear brethren. This day we were at Bangag, Solana, Cagayan where brother Robert Pader preaches. Brother Robinson Pulveras preached about “Without Christ”, brother Ernie Collado about “Some Things You Will Never Do in Heaven”. Brother Craig Meyer preached a lesson about “
ood Man Meets a Crisis of Faith (Psalm 73)” and brother Rody translated it in Ilocano. Eight (8) souls baptized into Christ.
Preaching at San Francisco, Dagupan, Tabuk, Kalinga
August 14: After Hilltop, we immediately went to the next venue and that is San Francisco, Dagupan, Tabuk, Kalinga. Brother Virgilio Bocarile preaches in the said congregation. Brother Craig preached a very encouraging lesson about “Christ, Our Example (1 Peter 2:21-25)” and brother Robinson Pulveras translated it in Ilocano.
Preaching at Hilltop, Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga
August 14: We also went to Hilltop, Bulanao, tabuk, Kali
nga where brother Warren Cadater preaches. Brother Craig Meyer shared a lesson about “Jesus Ch
rist Our Ladder Today” which was translated by brother Rody Gumpad in Iloc
ano. After the bible study, brother Warren and his wife asked brother Craig to lead a prayer of thanksgiving for their newly born baby daughter named “Meyer”; yes they named her after brother Craig’s family name.
Preaching at Tanyok, Tabuk, Kalinga
August 14: Brethren Kernel Vistro and Ben Vistro preaches at Tanyok, Tabuk, Kalinga. We left Tuguegarao City very early to meet our brethren at Tanyok. Brother Craig Meyer preached about “Sabbath Day” which was translated by brother Jun Gumpad in Ilocano and afterwards brother Rody also preached to us “Hebrews 9:15-17”. Five (5) souls were baptized into Christ.