Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Two Souls Baptized Into Christ
The Lord had blessed us with another wonderful Lord's Day again here in our area. Brother Rody Gumpad prea
ched in our bible study the lesson "Go... Preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15), here he enumerated some reasons why must we be persuaded to continue preaching and also he cited some examples of hindrances that may come in our way to prevent us from preaching
the gospel of Christ. Brother Ron Halbrook taught in the s
ermon "Elders: Spiritual Leaders", he focused on the spiritual qualifications of the elders and how the elders must be appointed in every local congregation. Both lessons had h
elped us much again and gave encouragements to us all. After lunch I took some of the participants in the preacher's training in Alibago church of Christ; with me were brethren Robinson Pulveras, Edwin Soriano, Ludivico Sarmiento, and July Aguinaldo. These four brethren helped us in our worship at Alibago; brother Ludivico Sarmiento lead the singing, brother July Aguinaldo led the opening prayer, brother Edwin Soriano helped in the Lord's table, brother Robinson Pulveras taught us in our bible study with the lesson "Things to Remember". I also taught a lesson about "Thanksgiving" and after that I led the prayer for the thanksgiving of baby Sophia Cassandra Olimpo. At the evening, brother Robe
rt Rances (preacher at Lingu church) arrived with two friends who regularly attend their worship; they went with brother Robert with the desire to be baptized. To cut the story short, two precious souls obeyed the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.