Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Preachers' Training (April 4)
Our day started with our regular 30 minute
prayer, a time to come near to God and tell Him all we wanted to tell. Then brother Rody Gumpad continued in teaching us about "The
New Testament Church", this morning he discussed about the church as the Household of God. Brother Steve Wallace taught us about the "Book of Exodus" this day; he gave us the background of the book, Moses and Pharaoh, Journey t
o Mount Sinai, Giving of the 10 Commandments until the setting up
of the tabernacle. Brother Harry Osborne taught us also a very informative lesson about "The Old Testament Prophets". Brother Ron Halbrook taught us a lesson about "Why Do We Want to Preach?", a very nice lesson that encourages us more to continue in preaching the gospel of Christ. In the afternoon brother Steve Wallace taught us first with the lesson about "The New Testament Survey". Brother Harry Osborne continued with our lesson in "Eternal Kingdom (Survey of Church History)" and "The Book of Mark and Luke". Brother Ron Halbrook presented the lesson about "Issues Dividing Brethren" and brother Harry Osborne concluded the afternoon with the lesson about "Catholism". After pausing for a short dinner we all continued with brother Harry teaching us about the maps. A long but very informative day is what the Lord had given us this day and we are very thankful to Him for such a wonderful day.