Friday, April 3, 2009

Preacher Training in Metro Tuguegarao (March 30 to April 2, 2009)

Participants for the preacher training arrived one by one on the 30th of March 2009. The participants answered some questions to find out if they can speak and understand English for most of the materials that will be used for the training will be in English.

The following day we purchased the materials that the participants will be using for the duration of the training; after distributing the said materials to each participants a bible study was made where brother Rody Gumpad taught and resulted to the baptism of Rodelion Galduen.

April 1st, every one was very excited waiting for the arrival of brethren Ron Halbrook, Harry Osborne, and Steve Wallace who will teach us in the said training; unfortunately their flight from Metro Manila to Tuguegarao City was canceled due to bad weather. Because our teachers are unable to meet us that day we decided to continue with the training, I started by teaching "2 Timothy 3" and gave emphasis on Why Must We Preach the Gospel of Christ. Brother Rody Gumpad then followed me and taught his lessons in "Mangaskasaba (the Preacher)". We continued with the study of the bible in the afternoon wherein I taught a short lesson on "How to Study the Bible", after that brother Rody continued with his lesson on "Mangaskasaba".

The second day of April started very early for the participants, our breakfast started at exactly 6:00 in the morning wherein each participants gave their own verse before eating. After breakfast we all went straight to our class and there before we start the classes we all kneeled down and prayed for 30 minutes (it is indeed very wonderful to talk to our God). After our prayer brother Jay Gumpad taught us about "Ephesians 5:11: Overcoming Wordliness". I also taught about "Matthew 4:19: Fishers of Men", and brother Jun Gumpad also taught us a lesson about "2 Timothy 4:3-4: Wanting Their Ears Tickled", brother Rody Gumpad again continued his lesson on "Mangaskasaba". Before we break for lunch brother Mark Daquioag gave a very encouraging lesson about our purpose in preaching the gospel. After lunch we continued with our studies and I taught about "Ephesians 4:1: Walk Worthy of the Vocation", brother Jay Gumpad taught also about "What They Say About Peter", after that brother Rody Gumpad taught us "Bible Hermeneutics".