After the preaching at San Mariano Church of Christ we traveled for another one and a half hour

to be with our brethren at Dubeng Church of Christ. The preacher is brother Robinson Pulveras. We arrived a little early so we took an hour rest and waited for the scheduled preaching. at around 7:30 in the evening we started the preaching. Brother Craig Thomas preached first with a very encouraging lesson about "Chariots of Fire (2 Kings 6:8-17)", the lesson explained to us that even if we are often times surrounded by many enemies (problems in life) we still have a God who is greater than the enemies (problems in life) and surely God will always deliver us (help us solve our problems) if we continue to trust, pray, have faith in Him, and obey Him. I say I was deeply encouraged because before we started the meeting I received a call from my wife and found out that she and our three children are suffering from coughs and colds, I am about to start worrying about their condition for I am more than 100 kilometers away from them and they do not have any companions to look after them; then comes this wonderful lesson, a lesson designed by God to stop me from worrying and teach me to be not afraid and to trust in Him. After brother Craig I was asked by the brethren to translate the lesson and I tried my very best to translate it for our brethren to experience the encouragement and blessings I received from the lesson. Brother Rody gumpad also taught us a lesson on "If We Are: In Christ/Outside Christ" where we learned the advantages of being in Christ and disadvantages if we are outside Christ.