Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Gospel Meeting at Maguirig Church of Christ
November 12, 2009: We were

invited to attend the gospel meeting at Maguirig Church of Christ at Maguirig, Solana Cagayan and I am very happy to be able to attend the said meeting. Their preacher is brother Jun Gumpad. Fellow preachers also attended and the speakers in the said meeting were brother Ryan Thomas (from Sandusky, Michigan) and brother Rody Gumpad. Brother Ryan preached first with the lesson "Keys to Salvation" and after that I was requested by the brethren to translate the lesson in Tagalog. Brother Rody gumpad also taught about "The Destiny of Man". Though no baptism but still we were very happy for we were able to encourage our brethren at Maguirig.