We thank the Lord last July 25 for anothe

r wonderful and fruitful bible study at the humble home of the Antonio family at Lannig, Solana. The family requested a bible study in their home to show their thanksgiving to our Lord because brother Bong Antonio just passed the Civil Service Commission Examination; they also wanted to express their thanks for the continued blessings that were poured to them by our Lord. Friends and neighbors were also invited to attend the said bible study. Brother Greg Delos Reyes (preacher at Sampaguita Church of Christ) spoke first about "What Must One Do To Be Saved?" then brother Rody Gumpad preached about "The Original Church of Christ and the Modern Churches". The lessons were both very well proclaimed and were received by the listeners with gladness that resulted to two (2) souls that stepped forward during the singing of the invitation song. The two confessed Christ and were baptized into Christ the same day. They will regularly attend service at Cadaanan Church of Christ where brother Florendo Respicio regularly preaches.