12, 2009 we were invited by
the brethren at Aquib church of Christ to attend their gospel meeting; brother Dennis Yuson is their preacher. I thanked the Lord very much for that very encouraging meeting; the brethren encouraged us much by their very warm hospitality and the lessons were very much encouraging. They had five (5) speakers that day. Br

other Willie "Otey" Pastor preached first with his lesson about "Panagtulnog (Obedience)". Brother Otey discussed that obedience is essential in our salvation, he emphasized that faith alone is not able to lead us to salvation yet faith with works is what will lead us. Brot
her Jhun Bautista preached
next with another interesting topic regarding "Ang Mga Mamamayan sa Impiyerno (The Citizens of Hell)". Brother Jun enumerated
and discussed those who will end up living in hell at the end of time; he enumerated that Satan, worldly people, individuals not added to the body of Christ, and lukewarm Christians are some of the persons we might find in hell. The third speaker was brother Lordy Salunga and he taught us "The Resurrection of Christ". He explained to us the importance of the resurrection of Christ in our lives and emphasized that Christ was resurrected for our salvation; that if Christ was not resurrected our faith will be futile. The fourth speaker was brother Geronimo Ganela with the topic about "An Apostle Peter Hymn and Praise"; he discussed the book of 1 Peter 1:3-9 about how Peter gave praise to our Lord. The last speaker was brother Rody Gumpad who delivered a lesson about "The Second Coming of Christ". He urged us that we must be ready always for the second coming of Christ, since we do not know when it will come we must make sure that when it comes we are still inside the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.